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Complex QM described here is rescuing traditional QM in the face of experiments it cannot explain.
The reasons for this is that QM cannot:

1> Properly describe how a particle (such as an electron) behaves upon the space around it while travelling at light speed. 
You can use the real number system to describe/map real space but as space becomes distorted this system loses it's usefulness. The only new system that works is based upon complex numbers. However we need to rewrite complex mathematics to develop a proper framework.

2> Resolve the issue of probability/uncertainty. The uncertainty of the position of the quanta does not lie in meta-physical quantum mechanics but in realising that the distortion of real space is the cause of this observation difficulty. The Schrödinger Wave Equation has never been directly linked with probablities it is simply assumed that it is true.

3> Rewrite Complex mathematics to explain how i^2 = -1, the complex numbers can be ordered, and the eigenvalues interpretted.

Complex QM as a result has led me to develop many new theories that I will discuss here including:

The Unified Field Theory - imaginary forces are the 'unknown forces' physicists searched for.

A Complex (or imaginary) Field Theory (you can extend the UFT to embrace all the complex forces I can find).

You can find our Yahoo Group for discussion at:


I do deal with the latest research in Quantum Mechanics and Physics here. If this is the case then I am not going to say that I will not alter my views as more information comes to light. I am just advancing physics by proposing new solutions.

Thanks and Welcome
Alex Ross

Material on this and the yahoo group site is copyright, all rights reserved. Generally not for profit use of this material is allowed but if in doubt, please ask. Alex Ross 9th January 2009. Please use this material for your own study purposes only unless you ask.

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